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Saturday, March 17 @3:00-5:15




What is it?

All are invited to participate in a fun LIFEGUARDS event – to be SPIES – for the Mall Spy Hunt on March 17th.   If you’ve done this before, you know how fun it is.  If you haven’t, you don’t want to miss it – it’s a blast! 

Come as you are OR in disguise!

Come by yourself, or hang out as a couple or family (kids welcome, friends welcome)


Spies on duty:  3-5pm

Roam/hide/hangout anywhere in the mall that doesn’t have a separate admission fee (like a movie theatre).


The students will be in groups, searching. If a group finds you, you sign their Spy List by your picture. Easy!


At 5pm, spies and Lifeguards students will meet in the food court to end the event and tally the scores. Eating dinner with the students and other spies is optional, but we would love to have you join us!.


If you’re in, we will need a picture of you for the Spy List. Selfies are fine and even encouraged. Sign up to participate today!



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