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We desire to be a God-exalting church in the Dearborn and greater Detroit community. Our mission is to make and mature disciples of Jesus, for the glory of God. We will pursue this mission by:


gathering as the church both corporately & in smaller groups to worship God, be fed by His Word, and experience fellowship;

And then scattering to proclaim the gospel in word & deed,

to see God’s kingdom come in our city & world.

Who We Are
Sundays 9:15 & 11A
Core Values

We are a Christian Reformed Church with a love for God and for all people. Here are our core values: 

Biblical Authority - We believe the Bible alone is the true Word of God and recognize it as our final authority. The preaching, teaching and personal study of God's Word leads to life transformation. We build our lives and our church on this firm foundation.

Psalm 119:1-2, 9-11; II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21


Passionate Prayer - We establish a growing, intimate relationship with God through regular times of personal and communal prayer. Prayer is foundational to our ministry and mission. We expect and experience God's response to our prayers.

Matthew 6:5-8; I Thessalonians 5:17; I Timothy 2:1-4; Philippians 4:6


Cultural Relevance - Since the Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful and transcends time and culture, we seek to communicate that Gospel in clear, creative and practical ways that connect with people living in our contemporary culture.

Romans 1:16; Romans 14:13b; Colossians 4:5; I Corinthians 9:19-22


Intentional Faith Development - We expect every disciple of Jesus to experience transformational growth into Christ's likeness. We understand this to be an intentional life-long process guided by the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 4:22-24; I Timothy 4:7-8; II Peter 1:5-9; I John 2:6


Authentic Community - We believe that people grow best when they are nurtured in a Christ-centered environment where they can give and receive care, encouragement, and prayer. We thrive when we are honest about our own brokenness and are accepting of others.

John 13:34-35; Acts 2:42-47; I Thessalonians 5:12-15; Hebrews 10:24-25


Missional Multiplication - We strive to carry out Christ's call for His disciples to make disciples. We intentionally pass on our life in Christ to others. We seek to expand His church by multiplying disciples, small groups, leaders, worship services, and sites - joyfully investing in God's growing Kingdom.

Matthew 28:19-29; Acts 1:8; II Timothy 2:2


Extravagant Generosity - We desire to reflect the spirit of our exceedingly generous God. Out of gratitude we seek to be faithful, open-handed stewards of the time, talents, and finances with which He has blessed us.

Proverbs 3:5-10; I Corinthians 9:10-11; I Timothy 6:17-18

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